
"Weighted Wildlife" Animal Weighted Plush Series

Created by Nathaniel Manns

A new weighted plush series featuring wildlife, starting with a selection of North American animals!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Printable Card!
10 months ago – Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 12:19:09 PM

You asked for it, and now you're getting it!

This printable card is meant to stand in as an IOU for any potential recipients this holiday season.  

You can staple the front to the inside so that when it's opened, you can mark off which of the plush designs you've gifted to the giftee!


High quality PDF Versions

Front Page

Inside Page

These are sized for normal printing paper (8.5x11 inches) and/or can be modified at your pleasure for digital e-card purposes.


This will be the last Update as we head into Christmas time, as I'll be busy with personal and family stuff as most of your probably are as well.  

When I have Updates for the true start of freight shipping, new updated times of arrival for the plush into the fulfillment center, and, going forward, when domestic/international shipment begins to your homes, I will give them to you ASAP.

Have a happy holiday season and see you next I have news!

10 months ago – Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 04:37:29 PM

You asked for it, now you got it!

Here are all 20 of the animals with a FRONT, BACK, and SIDE view :)


2.) BAT








10.) HORSE

11.) LYNX


13.) ORCA

14.) OTTER



17.) RAVEN

18.) SKUNK


20.) WOLF

Ship Date! E-Card Coming!
10 months ago – Wed, Dec 06, 2023 at 11:21:55 AM

I just got word that ALL designs are in quality checking and/or packaging stage and the whole order will be ready to ship "no later than next week"

WOO HOO!!!!!!

This is a HUGE milestone and means I am busy corresponding with the freight forwarder to ascertain no issues with getting things loaded up into the shipping container and sent on it's journey to our fulfilment center in Texas, USA!!

Once things are in the hands of the freight forwarder, it will take about a month for the product to be delivered to the fulfilment center, so it will get a little quiet on here as we wait, but I will update the moment they've arrived and are being processed into the warehouse!


Later this week, I intend on finishing up both the "master post" photos and the printable "IOU" card for those who wished to gift the Weighted Wildlife plush to someone for the holidays.

Thank you everyone for your patience. This time of year is nuts for everyone, myself included, and I'm working diligently to keep all the balls in the air both in my personal life and for the project. 

 I'm excited that we are in the end stages of getting these helpful fluffy guys out to all of you wonderful backers and can't wait to start hearing reviews from you all!!

Production Updates + Sneak Peek
11 months ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 09:44:09 AM

It may not look like much, but mass production, as I've just been informed, is wrapping up by the end of the month!

That means that by mid-December, they'll be ready to head out to our fulfillment center, which should take about 20-30 days should no complications arise at customs.  

We are working with a freight forwarder who is very familiar with regulations and we have all our business and safety certifications lined up to submit to try and make it as smooth a process as possible.


The final prototypes have come in with Rabbit, Cougar, Lynx, and Deer!

That means that I'll be able to take a full gamut of pictures of ALL the plush so as to make the full visual catalog a lot of you have been requesting!


And as some of you may have seen on my social media (Twitter, Instagram), there will be a special launch item when preorders are fulfilled that will be available through our official website in the form of a Caribou!

They are still in the prototyping stage, but they will be the first in, hopefully, a long line of plush from me that will be made 100% of recycled faux fur!  This is very exciting to me as I take sustainability and environmental issues very seriously in both my personal life and business life.

Thanks everyone for their continued support and patience as we get into the home stretch of this project! :D And if you are in the USA, have a Happy Thanksgiving this week!

Weighted Rabbit is done! All designs in mass production!
11 months ago – Sat, Nov 04, 2023 at 09:04:01 PM

Weighted Rabbit prototype has been approved and is now in mass production along with all the other designs!

That means I have a better educated guess of the timeline that goes like so;

Beginning of December - mass production is wrapped up on all designs

December  - 20-30 days in shipping

Early January - all plush arrive at fulfillment center and begin processing

Mid to Late January - Fulfillment begins


This is all a educated guess right now and I will have more certain times once mass production is complete and everything is in a shipping container on it's way to the fulfillment center.

For those who were hoping for a Christmas delivery - I'm sorry! It's quite literally out of my hands!  I will, however, be making a digital card that will act as an IOU that you can download and print out!  Be on the look out for that in the coming month!


Have a video of a sea of Weighted Orcas and boxes already filled with Weighted Horses and Bears!