
"Weighted Wildlife" Animal Weighted Plush Series

Created by Nathaniel Manns

A new weighted plush series featuring wildlife, starting with a selection of North American animals!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Weighted Bat and Weighted Skunk are Finalized!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 11:26:00 AM

Weighted Skunk and Weighted Bat are finished and ready to go to mass production!

I'm super jazzed with how they turned out and that means only Rabbit, Deer, Lynx, and Cougar are awaiting finalizing.  Raven just needs that tweak to it's smile before it, too, is off to the races!

With things fast moving into full production mode, I'm doing a lot on the backend to prepare for fulfilment, the official website launch, and recruiting some friends and family (don't worry, they're getting paid lol) to help me with customer service, social media, and cool product photos going forward to make everything the best experience it can be for all you wonderful backers!

Speaking of social media, I recently launched the official Weighted Wildlife™ Instagram! (@weightedwildlife)

It's a little empty right now, but it will be one of the few social media platforms where I'll announce future updates, new species, and other cool stuff as the project moves toward true launch!

Lynx + Rabbit + Raven Update!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 07, 2023 at 10:36:11 AM

The Weighted Raven is looking great!

The only changes are just to the smile to make em a lil happier :3


Weighted Rabbit just gonna get a more rounded butt, a better smile and eye expression, and then should be good to go! 

I love the big feets!


Weighted Lynx also just has a few more adjustments to make em perfect! :D


We're in the home stretch in terms of finishing up prototypes and putting them into production.

All the prototypes that have been approved are currently in production or preparing to enter production, so the ball is already rolling on that!

IMPORTANT: You all will be noticing your cards being charged for add-ons with BackerKit - please keep a look out in your inboxes to see if your payments have failed or if you need to make any shipping address adjustments!

The current estimate for shipping out to ya'll is still roughly late fall/early winter. I should have a more solid time for when we will begin fulfilment once all prototypes are submitted for production :) 

Thank you all once again for your patience and overwhelming support!! <3

Weighted Otter is Complete!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 04, 2023 at 09:56:47 AM

Quasi-Master Post of All 20 Plushies
about 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 02, 2023 at 06:45:52 PM

You asked for it, so you got it.

This is the psuedo-master post for all 20 designs.  Psuedo because almost none of these are final photos taken in a nice lightbox with a good camera showing the plush's "good side" as it were.

This post unfortunately CANNOT be updated in the future, so this is just to help people make their final adjustments to those who have already completed their survey. 

For those of you who have NOT completed their surveys, you can do so at your leisure, but this post might help you ascertain what plush you want to pick so you CAN complete your survey.

A more final Master List will be posted as an Update and, hopefully, if I can get my ass in gear, the new website when all prototypes are finished and I am given them to take proper photos of in the aforementioned lightbox

Without further adieu, the psuedo-master list

Alligator - Final weight: 3 lbs (1.36 kgs)

Bat - Estimated final weight: 2.5 lbs (1.13 kgs)

Bison  - Final weight: 2.9 lbs (1.31 kgs)

Cougar - Estimated final weight: 3 lbs (1.36 kgs)

Deer (Buck) - Estimated final weight: 3 lbs (1.36 kgs)

Opossum - Final weight: 3 lbs (1.36 kgs)

Orca - Final weight: 3 lbs (1.36 kgs)

Otter - Final weight: 3 lbs (1.36 kgs)

Rabbit - Estimated final: 2.5 lbs (1.31 kgs)

Skunk - Estimated final weight: 3 lbs (1.36 kgs)

Bald Eagle - Final weight: 2.5 lbs (1.31 kgs)

Bear (Grizzly) - Final weight: 3 lbs (1.36 kgs)

Coyote - Final weight: 2.9 lbs (1.31 kgs)

Grey Wolf - Final weight: 2.9 lbs (1.31 kgs)

Horse - Final weight: 2.2 lbs (1 kgs)

Raccoon - Final weight: 2.9 lbs (1.31 kgs)

Raven - Estimated final weight: 2.7 lbs (1.22 kgs)

Turtle - Final weight: 2.9 lbs (1.31 kgs)

Lynx - Estimated final weight: 3 lbs (1.36 kgs)

Fox - Final weight: 2.9 lbs (1.31 kgs)

PLEASE READ - Wolf/Fox/Coyote Updates + BackerKit Finished Surveys Lock Schedule
about 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 02, 2023 at 11:44:07 AM

As I do not currently having the production models in hand, I wanted to show the pictures of the Wolf, Fox, and Coyote off the production line that I've been provided for those who have been asking for photos of their updates.

As you can see, the Wolf and Fox retained their 'cheek fluff' or 'beards', as it were, after a lot of feedback.  

The bellies, tail tips, and inside of ears have been changed to short pile fur for this production run to meet in the middle of expectations for both those who had sensory issues and those concerned about the final aesthetics of the plush.

In future production runs, I will likely change the Fox and Wolf designs so they exclude the long pile fur entirely so that the series in general is either minky or imitation rabbit fur with only very small exceptions (ex. the mane of a lion, etc) using selected long piles I judge as soft enough.  

The changes were done to try and "make everyone happy" as it were for those who backed the Kickstarter campaign.

Thank you all for your understanding and patience.




Surveys currently submitted will be locked in THREE DAYS (September 5th) and any add-ons purchased will have the cards on file charged and funds collected.  

This action DOES NOT prevent you from changing your shipping address. 

You can change your shipping address up until the day we begin fulfilment, which is estimated to begin late fall/early winter still, though I do NOT have exact dates and won't until the plush near completion. When I have that more certain date, I will give everyone amble heads up.

Any surveys that are NOT yet finished will be given all the time they need to complete the survey. 

Unfinished surveys are NOT prevented from completing their surveys by the action of locking currently completed surveys.


There are currently tens of thousands of dollars waiting to be collected on BackerKit alone.  

This money helps fund additional production for the overwhelming support we've gotten on there + lock in our contract with both the freight forwarder who will be bringing the product to our fulfilment center + give a financial padding both to future postage purchases and misc. needs like setting up a storefront for long term and custom packaging."

At this time, the grand majority of designs have been finalized and shown.  All others have been given multiple preview photos and updates to their prototypes, with steady progress shown as I get it shown to me. 

 If you are uncomfortable with choosing your selection until there is a 100% lock down on the unfinished prototypes, then I would assume you have not yet completed your survey, and thus, are under no pressure to complete that survey by September 5th.  

A second wave of "locks" will happen after those undecided have finished more of their surveys and the "master list" of all the finished prototypes is made, which I predict will happen in the next few weeks.

After this point, the standalone pre-order shop for non-Kickstarter backers will remain open until that, too, is locked so final numbers can be collected for fulfilment.


EDIT: I am making a semi-finalized "master post" in the FAQ tonight (PST) for the final weights of most of the designs. Those that are not 100% completed will be given an estimated final weight in that post and will be marked as (still in prototyping) to denote un-finalized weights.

If I have to push off the first round of "locks" due to anyone's mad scramble to make a choice or change their credit card number/etc, I will. This is just a friendly heads up with the next steps of the project as the ball continues to roll down the hill toward production mode.

Thanks for reading!!!